Info for hunters

What is this hunt about?
The hunt is for Winter Animal Lovers :) Presents for this hunt will appreciate animals which loves Winter and they are associated with this season. Also, all the gifts will be animal-friendly. Nothing from leather, fur etc, 'cause no pixel animals can be hurt during the production process ;))) And no, it's not a neko or christmas hunt :)

Do I find something for me in this hunt?
Of course - the hunt is UNISEX, so there will be something for women, and something for men in every polar bear :)
Want to see prizes? Click the album below:
WALH prizes

When and what I am looking for?
The hunt will start on December 4th, and last until January 4th :) So you have a month to find little polar bears around the SL world :)

Where should I start?
The start is here: *diavolicious* :)

Can I cheat?
Of course you can, but what for? This is THE HUNT :) The only person you are cheating on - is you.

Where can I find hints?
On this blog, look on the right sidebar and find menu :)

I'm stuck! I need help!
We will help you on the group chat :) (click on a poster to get an invitation) But do not ask for an exact place where the polar bear is ;)

More questions?
Send notecard to Risika Ohmai.